Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hello here I am in Basildon. Where life is happy and Essex is a fun place to be.
Not like that grim and grimy North where its grim. Ho hum.
Weight down to 87.4kg. Which is maybe down to 2 weeks of regular turbo sessions.
Even did a 5 mins steady, 5 hard, 4 hard, 3 hard, 2 hard, 1 extra-hard session on Sunday.
Ha. Trying to keep some sort of fitness by walking from hotel to office. Then yesterday back via PC World to buy a Win Nova-T stick. This a brilliant USB gizmo that lets me plug into a tv arial then get 50 freeview channels to watch on my laptop ! Such as bid-up tv !

See this lovely shiny thing ! And so cheap !
And Dave, with Never Mind the Buzzcocks !