Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Problem in posting yesterday. Whatever. Today is another day and last evenings fun was horrible. I must have done over 80 press-ups, three on the circuits then an extra little bit of fun. 1st circuit was 45 secs exercise (Star jumps, dips, shuttle runs, ab curls, forward lifts, step-ups, shuttles again, press-ups) 15 sec rest, next was 60 secs 15 rest, final was 75 15. Totally knackering. Did 20 press-ups each time. Then an extra with 30 secs star jumps, 30 secs press-ups, 30 secs squat thrusts, 30 secs stars again. What a torture. I had better do well in races or all this is for nothing. The turbo session was bad, 3 sets of going down 5 gears, keeping 90-100 rpm with 3 5 sec sprints in each gear 1st, then 3 7 secs and finally 3 10 secs. It hurt.
Nice drive up, up later (06.20) and Tamworth, Alrewas, A515, Waterhouses, Morridge through the mist, Buxton & M60.


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