Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Aiee Wednesday. So fucking what I hear you say, well of course that is correct.
Yesterday I escaped a group telephone call between Ireland and America at 17.15 and off to get changed then off to Matchmoor. Parked and walked up road, yes that selfsame road I have slogged up so often doing hill sprints. Took a footpath over the hills and ended up on the road to Winter Hill 'summit'. By now (18.45) the sun was getting pretty low. Walked up to the tv transmitter and looked up in awe, 1100' high, with great long anchor cables. Now the sun was setting, and a strange hazy view over the surrounding low Lancashire countryside. Walked to Two Lads and climbed up the cairn, back onto the road & car. Arriving at the hotel I let a sports car in, and it was Irish Mick, just bought this home-made thing. John came out to look. The engine died so we messed around, and gave it a push to start it. I got in & John drove it round to a house he lets out & stuck it in the garage. I was going for a dry night, but not now. So watched the end of 'Two men in a trench' and off to the bar with predictable results.
This evening I find I am going to watch Bolton Wanderers, then taking part in a conker match ! How did that happen ?


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