Monday, April 29, 2002

Just been and reviewed some other blogs. Are they all so much better than my blogs ? Should I put more effort into design, wording and so on and so forth ? Amd spelling, punctuation as well ? Do I just have nothing to say or is everyone else, no matter what they do,,, living a more exiciting life that me ? What should I do ? Buy a little red boat and go over the sea to Skye ? Put wacky colours all over as a background ? As I am indeed an IT person I should have a geeky looking page rather than the insipid thing that is prety well the standard blog template.
I missed South Park last week as I was otherwise engaged at the time it was shown, this week I should be asleep, so I will miss it again.
All of the Simpsons I have watched have been repeats, of repeats, of very old shows. Where are all the recent series shows on terrestrial tv ? Will I have to get cable to get the latest shows ? Is broadband worth getting ? Questions, questions.
Will I get any text messages or calls this evening/week ?
Off to do some work I go, unwillingly.


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