Monday, April 22, 2002

Monday. The fscist LePen has beaten lefty Jospin in the French race to be President. Now this LePen is a nasty peice of work, but Jospins ineffectual left-leaning posturing government deserved a good thrashing. This make wake up the French to the danger of extremism. But then again, it might not and who gives a fuck anyway ? Stupid garlic-snail munching, gaulloise smoking froggies deserve what they get. I've always found the bulk of French to be fascist anyway.
Question; which occupied counrty collaberated the most with the Germans in sending Jews to the gas chambers ?
Answer; The French !
Question; Which country in Europe was the last to have public executions ?
Answer; The French !
Question; Which counrty killed most rebels in their independance fights in Africa and Asia ?
Answer; The French in Algeria and Vietnam. Thats what the Foriegn Legion was for, to go to far-off places and kill the natives.

Oh yes, raced on Saturday, had a good go and got in a couple of breaks, had a go hard on the front, the finish was uphill, pushed hard on the front in the last mile to try and get a split, then about 10 or so passed me in the final sprint.
an ex pro won.
Saturday evening was my Dads 80th birthday. A good crowd came, I bet I don't get that many for my 80th, as I probably won't live that long, and I don't seem to accumulate friends in the same way my parents did.


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