Sunday, June 16, 2002

Sunday, and I'm drinking beer ! Hurrah !!!!
So, left early on Friday after a visit to solihull, mainly to buy cheese and hame sarny from M&S. Quick visit to Jeffersons to see departing accountant. Never liked him anyway, sanctimonius git. He was kicked out and did'nt even have the balls to buy the drinks and food on his company credit card. When or if I get made redundant I'm going for one hell of a big night out in Manchester, all on Amex. Got home and did 32 really hard miles around the North Worcestershire lanes by Feckenham and so on.
Sat, took David for a music exam, then out for an easy ride around Worcs lanes. Then took Jayne & Joanne for a meal, bought Hoegaarden, drank it.
Sun, up early, went to Wythall, no-one there.


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