Friday, November 14, 2003

I wrote this a year ago, well, 6/11/2002;
I do feel fairly determined to acheive something next year, a sort of quiet confidence, that my training over the past 18 months, and the training schedule and expert coaching to come will get me there. I'm going to get a BC licence and go for RR points and ride the National Veterans series, and also I want a shot at the National hill climb. Well, if I have something to aim for I can hit it. Unlike this year when I just rode and raced, no real plan.
Ho hum.
Whatever happened to that ? At least I had a taste of success on the track. Had a request to go to Thorne on Tuesday. Left early on Monday and went to Speeds, just made it for 5.30 as the shop was shutting. Ordered a pair of track wheels.
Left early on Tuseday for a fun drive to Thorne in the fog. Went to wrong hotel at first, a long drive to the Travellodge Mr. Idiot had booked me in to. Drank 2 bottles of wine.
Left Thorne at 18.30 on Wednesday and drove over to see Hazel Sat and talked for an hour, then back down the M^ which was mercifully traffic free.
Thursday back to Thorne. All good there now. Left at 17.30 and over M62 again. Into nice hotel at Lancashire Cricket ground with a view over the pitch. Collected Hazel and for a meal. Steak & chips ! Back to hotel after giving Gareth & Phill a lift home. Quiet night, Hazel still not well.
Friday took Hazel home and a decent drive doen the M6, left 9.00, into office for 10.30 !
Had a bacon double cheeseburger for lunch. Naught naughty.


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