And testerday evening I sat out, looked at mars through the telescope, and drank 1.5 bottles of red.
This morning read a piece on windfarms in Caithness, many are planned, which will spoil the skyline as badly as the tax-dodging forests that were planted in the 80s and 90s. They spoiled at lot of the Flows, looks like the same thing is happening with these damn wind farms. Slimy government departments overturn all objections, because it 'helps slow global warming' What a load of bollocks.
Well, thats me cheered up for the weekend. And its raining and cold.
And testerday evening I sat out, looked at mars through the telescope, and drank 1.5 bottles of red.
This morning read a piece on windfarms in Caithness, many are planned, which will spoil the skyline as badly as the tax-dodging forests that were planted in the 80s and 90s. They spoiled at lot of the Flows, looks like the same thing is happening with these damn wind farms. Slimy government departments overturn all objections, because it 'helps slow global warming' What a load of bollocks.
Well, thats me cheered up for the weekend. And its raining and cold.
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