Tuesday, November 26, 2002

TuesdayBlog. God, I hate this job sometimes. Mostly all times for the past year, no, for the past year and 4 months. Fuck, what a long time of my life to spend hating what I do. I'm falling into a depression that I just can't seem to lift myself out of. Now almost everything in my life seems bad, relationships, even cycling is a pain. Struggled on Sunday. Well I hope after a few more weeks of turbo training I will start getting fitter. Oooh, a note of optimism. I just can't make my mind up about the sell-out, I think the best thing to do would be to put it out of my mind alltogether, and what ever happens on Friday is a couple of days away, and I have the rest of the week to slog through. And what a slog, 1 3/4 bottles of wine yesterday evening, at least I got to bed at a decent hour, about 0030 I think, and had a half-decent nights sleep. I took a big glass of wine back to my room, and some biscuits. I eat most of the biscuits, but poured the wine away. Oh and had steak and chips earlier. Might do that again on Wednesday or Thursday evening. Probably Wednesday would be better as I have to get out early on Friday morning to get to the office for 11.00. For meetings. With our new owners. Later I'm off down the motorway to get back for circuit training and a ramp test.


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