Monday, June 26, 2006

La Almunia de Dona Gardena

This is where I stayed for 2 nights last week at the rather nicely named el Patio hotel. An excellent hotel, and only 48 Euros a night for a big, clean, air-condidtioned room.
Blow me down, the Spanish work long hours. They spend so much time arguing and talking its a wonder they ever get any work done !
Anyhoo, it was hot, 34 C, and Wednesday night we went for a meal at a great restuarant whre I paid something like 20 Euros for 4 glasses of beer, and steak and chips that were perfect.
No salad or stupid vegetables ! Next project is to learn Spanish, just like I tried to learn French 10 years ago. Ha.
Did 25 hard miles on Saturday afternoon, had a few beers, and vodka. Sunday Dad for dinner, then did 12 slow plodding miles. Feel a bit keener about riding, must get fit to ride the Midlands track champs.


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